How to duplicate popups

Duplicating popups can make short work of using again the same popups you repeatedly use or create variations. 

With the release of HollerBox version 2.2.4 the ability to duplicate a popup is now included in HollerBox.

To duplicate a popup go to the popup list by visiting HollerBox in the WordPress menu. You will be presented with a list of popups you have created. Hover over any of the popups and a menu will be displayed, click the Duplicate link. 

This will duplicate the popup with the addition of (Copy) added to the name.  You can then make changes, rename, etc and [ Publish ].

If you are using an older version of HollerBox we recommend upgrading or you can follow the steps below to use the Duplicator Post Plugin. 

To install/activate the Duplicate Post plugin go to the WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New and enter "Duplicate post" in the search

Click the [ Install Now ] and [ Activate ].

You will be presented with the Welcome/Settings page. For use with HollerBox you can leave the default settings.

To duplicate a HollerBox popup visit WordPress Dashboard > HollerBox > All Popups

Hover your mouse over the popup you would like, and the "copy" link, next click the [ Copy Now! ] button

This will create a duplicate and set it to draft. 

You are all set to modify your duplicate popup. 

Is it possible to uninstall the Duplicate Post plugin without losing the duplicates I have created?

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