Trigger: Show After Inactivity (Pro)

Note: This trigger is only available if you have the paid version of HollerBox. You can see the pricing on the HollerBox pricing page.

Want a popup to show only when someone is on your website but doesn't do anything on it for a while? You can do this.

When editing your popup, you will want to go into Triggers.

Editing a popup with a red recetangle around Triggers in the menu

In Edit Triggers, you can turn on Show After Inactivity. Once on you will enter the number of seconds that you want HollerBox to wait for before it shows the popup.

The show after activity is turned on and set for 15 seconds inside of the Edit Triggers

When you are ready to show it off to the world, you can close Edit Triggers (top-right corner), then save / publish your popup.

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